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black friday scoretrend

At this time, NO SUBSCRIPTION PLAN is required to access the SCORETREND ASIANODDS

The draw balance is now chargeable and included in subscription plans:

  • Professional: alert and display on home and predictions (alert draw balance only in this plan)
  • Advanced: home viewing and predictions
  • Essentials: home viewing and predictions


scoretrend's asianodds are free, open to all and without the need to log in.


Subscription plans are valid and functional for all other scoretrend services, such as bar charts, Goal Trend, alerts, dynamic line stats etc.

ScoreTrend Free Plan

ScoreTrend Free Plan

With ScoreTrend's free plan, you have the possibility to create your own live strategies with a countless number of parameters including live statistics (shots on goal, shots off goal, dangerous attacks, corners, etc.), proprietary indicators (Goal Trend, Team Trend), live odds and pre-match odds.
Within your own dashboard you can create multiple league lists (2600 leagues), create and edit your own strategies, see incoming notifications and download them to excel.
Once the strategy filters are triggered, notifications are sent in real time to your Telegram bot with a list of customisable parameters.

Duration: 7 Days
Price: Free